
"The art of all arts is spiritual direction."

-St. Gregory the Great

Spiritual direction is an ancient Christian practice of spiritual companionship.
A spiritual director is your trusted companion on your spiritual journey.

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction comes from a desire to know yourself and God more fully. Spiritual directors are compassionate listeners who will help you recognize and respond to God's presence in your life.  A spiritual director reverences each soul the Lord entrusts to him or her.


Why choose Spiritual Direction?

Just as food is important for the body to stay healthy and strong, spiritual direction is like nutrition for your spiritual faith. Spiritual direction can also support important junctions in life such as:

  • A desire to grow in your relationship with God
  • Times of transition, confusion or loss
  • When God seems distant
  • When life feels overwhelming 
  • When experiencing a crisis of faith

It is important to note that a spiritual director is not a therapist but rather a spiritual companion who listens deeply and helps you discern God's leading.


Who should consider Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is for everyone who seeks to become more into the likeness of Christ, no matter where you are on the faith journey. Curious seekers, doubters, questioners, followers, skeptics, or lifelong believers... all are welcome.


How Meetings Work

A spiritual direction session generally lasts about one hour. We offer one on one in-person spiritual direction as well as spiritual direction via skype, google hangouts, and phone.